On behalf of everyone at St Luke’s, we hope you have a very Happy Christmas.  We also send every good wish for the New Year.


During 2020, we have all been impacted by the global pandemic.  It has affected each of us in different ways. Sometimes, we have been able to identify how it has affected us.  At other times, it has been more difficult to do so.  Behind much of our ‘outer’ veneer, there has been an underlying sense of unknowing, anxiety, and fear for the future.  This has almost been the norm for most of us during 2020 and it has not been pleasant. 


2020 has been one of the most uplifting and gratifying years also. It has brought out the best in people. St Luke’s has never received so much support, offers of volunteering, gifts, and donations from so many organisations and individuals. People have wanted to make a difference.  Some of our donors have said they realised how fortunate they themselves were and wanted to support other people through this difficult time. The difficult times have brought out the best in people. 


Wherever you are this Christmas, we send you every good wish. May Christmas 2020 be a good time for you and your family. It will certainly be different from any other Christmas, but we hope it will be a time of peace, reflection, and renewal for you.  


This week, two of our members receive the Covid-19 vaccine. This is a real ray of hope for all of us.  We look forward to better times in 2021 when the vaccine is rolled out and we can all, once again, come together and socialise with each other without fear or restriction. 


Merry Christmas from everyone at St Luke’s.