St Luke's may only use its own funds on charitable purposes supporting people living within a defined geographical area. We call this our area of benefit. This area of benefit is shown on the map below:

Click here for larger image.

The area of benefit takes all the places located within boundaries shown on the map.

If an address is located within the following areas it falls within the area of benefit:

The Islington Ward of Bunhill
Those Parts of the Islington Ward of Clerkenwell east of St John St (around Northampton Sq)
The Golden Lane Estate in the City of London
Streets in LB Hackney: Micawber Street, Thoresby Street, Windsor Terrace, Wellesley Terrace, Shepherdess Walk (south of Micawber St), Shepherdess Place, Britannia Walk, Ebenezer Street, Westland Place

We may still be able to support you if you live just outside these boundaries with one of our Islington-wide initiatives, so please contact us for more details on 020 7549 8181 or email.